Welcome To MargoH's Musings A Brief Intro

Originally published Nov 21, 2022

I retired in 2010 from the University of California, Santa Cruz. During my active period, I taught a range of classes from Shakespeare to Black Women Writers. My time there was mixed. As a Black woman, living and working in a predominately white institutional space and geographic environment is not easy and it takes a toll (especially spiritually). FYI, I’m not a religious person but I am a spiritual one. The toll led to a self-imposed exile from academic life for a decade. During this time, I drew upon my ancestral wisdom to self-care. I also began a second career as a romance fiction author (the one I wanted but needed to pay for—thank you academia). Since 2019, I’ve also reentered academic intellectual space and I’m finding joy in doing the things I love.

Why I muse?

I briefly attempted to “mix” my romance and my academic musings on Patreon. It wasn’t as easy and I decided to separate the two, although there may be occasions when romance and academia will dance in the same club. What I intend to post here are musings. Articles I don’t intend to publish professionally because I don’t need to do so. As folks keep reminding me, I’ve done some heavy lifting for #ShakeRace #Premodern Race Studies #Premodern Critical Race Studies. What you will find are thought pieces on a variety of topics inspired by the two communities where I’ve settled.

I hope my musings will be of interest and useful for conversations between romance and academia people. Conversations that recognize that romance, and all “genre fiction”, is literature (in the same way as poetry or drama). Unless I’m censored by the site, I see no limits to what I put on the stove and I intend to. Will there be content warnings? When necessary, absolutely. Will there be reviews? Indeed. Can you comment? Of course, as long as it isn’t hate-filled or trolling. I’m too old to play those particular games. I plan to post twice monthly, although if the ancestors move me to respond I will.


© 2024 Margo Hendricks


MargoH’s Musing


"Better Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself"